Personal Project

Personal Project March 24 Broccoli Cheese Soup Jacket Quilted fabric, thrifted pillow cases, thread size 8/10 Artist's Statement: This piece is called Broccoli Cheese Soup Jacket, which is a personal project based on a personal past. When I was young, my we had a quilted blanket that was yellow, blue, and green flowers. I remember not thinking it was the most attractive blanket, but to me, it resembled my favorite soup-- (broccoli cheese soup). The blanket was a part of our house for years and was featured in the forts we would build in the room that my sister and I shared, and we would use it to make "human tortillas", where one of us would wrap the other in the blanket as tightly as possible. My great aunt owned a sewing shop, and made my family hand-made gifts. One of them was the broccoli cheese soup blanket. In my last semester of college, I found myself particularly sentimental about my childhood. When I found a fabric at the store that looked just like my broccol...