Foam and Plaster Sculpture

Foam and Plaster Sculpture Lindsey Murray The concepts that I drew out for my foam sculpture began with a very different look than the one that it ended up with. The original sketches looked like they could be the base for a modern lamp. They looked very organic and droopy, with so much negative space that they seemed to defy gravity. I knew in the moment of sketching, however, that the final result might look nothing like my sketches. That being said, I decided the process with the general shape in mind, and knowing that I wanted to focus on organic shapes. This sculpture became something I am satisfied with, though it differs from my original sketches. I used intuitive decision-making as the process unfolded, and I now have a better understanding of the materials. I think that, in general, it is a good thing to be able to create the art in your sketches, especially when creating for someone else. However, there is also are in ch...